

Leah @ 15 months...

Leah finally start talking last 2 weeks, and suddenly lots of words came out from her everyday. First she got dad, pohpoh , gong(gong gong), jiie (jie jie) and finally mummy, and the mummy is so clear! Before that, it was only Bye that she knows.

Just few days ago she starts saying buyao(don't want), meiyou(don't have), nen nen(milk),na(take), gei(give) etc. She surprised me with all the single words she learned everyday. This morning she saw the picture of dog and said "Dog, woo woo(woof woof)" Cute!

She is one very mischievous little darling. She refuses to sleep early nowadays, even she is tired and keep rubbing her eyes. She refuses to eat her baby porridge instead she wants our adult food. She will pick her shoes and make sure you out on for her, then she will walk to the door and "bye" to everyone.

Being a stay at home mum is so rewarding, really, better than the year end bonus! I get to see every single bit of my kids' growing up, this is something I didn't know I want so much before I have them.


OOh, i have abandoned my blog for months! Geesh, that's when u have another kid to watch, and also i blame it on facebook too! hehehe

Naomi has started going to kindy, and she loves it! I thought I could have a peaceful time with the little one for that few hours but actually no. It's even busier! Rush out in the morning with a not-enough-sleep baby and come home with houseworks waiting, no fun! I barely sit down and rest then have to rush out and pick the kiddo. Didn't expect that! bahhhh

Leah starts talking, she calls everyone is the family especially mummy clearly. She is never an easy baby since birth and now it seems worse than before after we move back from China. Sigh...

So my new year resolution will be as usual, lose weight. and i guess it will never happened to a lazy bum like me. So i should have another one instead, spend less! Naomi's extra curricular activities fees are really freaking me out! Gosh! I must spend less or we will eat grass lor...

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