Finally...... my baby accepted swimming pool.
After 3 weeks of effort, Naomi accpeted the swimming pool; still refusing to sit in the float, but at lease she starts to like playing with the water.
Now, my mission yet to complete, get Naomi to eat solid! She hates taking solid food, be it porridge, baby food in jar, rice cereal.... She did show interest in porridge at first, but after 5 days, she started to shut her mouth tight whenever I tried to feed her. Argh!
7 Muaks:
Hei.. Naomi starts her swimming lesson ya...
Ummm... must start for my baby Shawn as well..
Hi V--what a sweet, sweet pic of your little one! A ittle at a time and she will come around.
With the solid food, try not to feed her directly. You and hubby sit in front of her and eat it. Over time she will want what you are eating (and doing). Let her come to you. When she does, give her only little bits. Not too much. Then build from there.
See if it works. Thank you for sharing such a great photo!
good to hear that :)
keep up the good work
Mandy : Hahahaha yeah, it was a challenge at first. But now, she loves it!
TNP: Thanks! She enjoys herself very much in the pool nowadays. For the solid food.... sigh... i am hopeless
Mish's mum: Patience pay it off eh?
Naomi is so cute in the pool... love her hair tied that way... :)
angeleyes, thanks!I like to tie her hair up, her front hair is sooo long...
naomi looks happy and cute in the pool! can't wait to bring my gal to seaside too...
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