And it's my girl 27 months old today too...
She is hyper active, talkative, sing well, talk well, fuzzy eater, picky on clothes and so... sigh...
It's been 5 days in a row that she did not wet her night diaper at all. And she would wake me up in the middle of the night to bring her to the toilet, then back to the bed, sleep again... Very very soon I am sure, my girl will be 100% diaper free. So happy, can't wait for the day to come.
She is quite independent nowadays too, she will pick her own clothes to wear, she even put them on and take them off herself. She eats on her own, she refused to be fed now. She will tell you, "mummy, I am a big girl, let me eat on my own!" What's next?
Travel between KL and ShenZhen are doing good for us. Naomi enjoys traveling as she enjoyed herself very much on the plane. She has no problem sitting by herself while the plane take off or landing. She misses daddy in ShenZhen and she misses her grandparents and uncles back in MY too. So she loves traveling! I thank God she is one good girl who is eaily settling down at one place. :)