Here comes the season for the adults to be broke. CHRISTMAS! So, I went to Toy'R'us for shopping today since they are having good deals and rebate vouchers. Great saving.
While I was picking up presents, there was a mother and a 3-4 years old son beside me. Can't help overhearing their conversation, both in broken English....
Son: mummy, I want buy two of tis toi.....
Mother: Cannot lar, onli one onli, you tink I make money ar?
Son: I want twoooo lar...
Mother: You don know listen is it? I say onli one ar, if you behave like tis somemore, I let the Indian take u away ar, I tell you. Evelitime like tis, next time don't want take you out anymore. Evelitime also make me angly.....
While the mum was scolding the kid, so happened there was an Indian couple beside, and they were looking at her. I could tell the Indian couple wasn't happy at what she said. She stood up and saw them, acted nonchalant and walked away.
What kind of teaching is that? Racism? Crazy woman. If so happened You(the woman) is reading this blog here, please, you should be ashame of yourself!
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1 day ago
11 Muaks:
Oh.. oh.. !! i should stop telling the brat.. Ah nai nai .. will catch you .. then.. :(
hmmm...this is not good...when we are supposed to treat all equally...
ops .. i don't think that is me .. hehehe :)
yeah .. christmas .. time to spend!!! hahaha .. also time to give lar .. give with open heart .. then .. things will come back to you :)
Mama bok: ah nai nai is ok, you see, no race involve.
Chanel: right, can say something else, no need to be indian, that's racism.
Mish mum: Yeah, give out toys and get back all the toys... hahahhaha
ha ha ha..but alot of parents say it wor...
I just tell mine, if u got money, u buy la! Mama no money one!
ohh that was such an unhappy time and location for both parties.
hi vivian, am bloghoppin from Banu's blog. You have a nice mommyness blog. Would you care to exchange links?
Mott, I do too lar! I will tell Naomi, you cry lar, cry louder lar! Malaysian mah, it's our culture. But my brother in law the angmo can never understand the art of lar lor leh....
Sushineforlife: Thanks! please please please. Leave your link!
But ah nei nei means indian wor...
nomadicmum, hhaahaahha, my interpretation is witch worr....
It is unfortunate that this still happened. The good thing is that you dont hear it so often anymore. Unlike those days when i was little. boy !!!
we only tell en en someone (aunty or unle that's looking at her) will be angry if she misbehave outside the house regardless of race. Try not to said ah nei will catch kids away. En En an even hold hands with small ah nei... hehe....
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